Thursday, April 8, 2010

Jeeps, Bandaids & Happy Places

Today was a gorgeous day here in North Texas. I was able to do something I haven't done in a while. Throw on a baseball cap, jump in the husband's jeep, and drive with the windows down (I know, that is anticlimactic and wrong. But I was home alone and couldn't take the top off myself. I take what I can get).
While I was driving, blaring the radio and enjoying the day....I was happy. I like happy. It is a nice place to be.
Later in the day, after trampoline jumping and a trip to the ice-cream parlor, the kids and I came home to the neighbors out playing. Out came the scooters and bikes. Within 5 minutes my usually tough little girl fell. She ripped a hole in her jeans and got a little road rash. Out came the bandaid and aloe. I hate to see her in pain, but I love it is that time of year for scraped knees and bandaids. The simple things...right? Knowing it was that time of year, I smiled (after a kiss and a Popsicle).
So as I sit here at almost 4am due to my usual lack of sleep, listening to my dog having puppy dreams and the ticking of the clock...I am reminded of that word. Happy.
Even when things are less than good, there is always a happy place. Something that makes you smile.
Right now....Spring and the anticipation of Summer makes me smile

being barefoot


walking outside to see all of the neighbors out hangin'

fresh herbs

warm tomatoes from the garden

ice-cream parlor trips

kids all over the neighborhood outside playing

Popsicle smiles

my dog,Lola, taking a sun nap

photo shoots on a lovely morning

flip flops

homemade guac and salsa

grillin and chillin

cold beer

walks to the park

windows open


my "laying out" playlist

iced coffee

a kid's baseball game and a hot dog

farmer's market

photographing weddings

yard sales


margaritas on the patio

my birthWEEK (haha)

spring recipes

bandaids and scraped knees

And that is just the tip of the iceberg. Told ya I liked being happy.
Happy Spring.

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